
Body Contouring: It's Not too Late to Get Summertime Ready

The beach is calling and you're ready to show some skin. But what if you still have problem areas that just won't respond to dieting or exercising.

Take your body to the next level using non-surgical body contouring treatments (also called body sculpting or body shaping), including PHYSIQ and CoolSculpting®.

Body contouring can make you feel more confident about how you look by eliminating fat cells that are resistant to diet and exercise from trouble areas like your midsection, hips, thigh, buttocks, arms and above the knees, using safe and proven technologies. Think of a little less curve here, a little less bulge there, and you get the picture.

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PHYSIQ and CoolSculpting® at Advanced Dermatology

Unlike liposuction, with our non-surgical treatments, you can get the slimmer, sleeker, sexier look you want without surgery, incisions, or anesthesia. There’s no prolonged downtime to worry about, and you resume most of your activities right away after your sessions. 

Many of our procedures not only break down fatty deposits, they also help stimulate the development of natural collagen and elastin fibers for better long-term results.

Trim, Tone and Smooth Your Body With No Downtime. No Surgery.

PHYSIQ body contouring uses a combination of heat and energy to reduce fat and tone muscle. Its two modalities can work independently or sequentially in the same treatment. This painless treatment takes only about 30 minutes per session, and about five sessions are usually recommended for optimal results.

CoolSculpting® technology is FDA-cleared to eliminate stubborn fat under the chin and jawline areas, thighs, abdomen and flanks, along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks, and upper arms. It safely delivers precisely controlled cooling to gently and effectively target and eliminate fat cells underneath the skin.Each procedure typically laWho is a Good Candidate for PHYSIQ and CoolSculpting?

The ideal candidate has a normal and healthy body fat percentage and localized, stubborn areas resistant to diet and exercise.

Banish Bumpy Cellulite

We all know it when we see it. The orange peel look of cellulite around the thighs and tush that can occur even if you’re in great shape. But what is cellulite really? Simply put, it’s fat that gets trapped under your skin by bands of connective tissue that holds the fat in place. Unfortunately ladies, this is something you have to deal with more often in your lifetime than men do.

Advanced Dermatology’s customized body contouring solutions can help smooth those telltale cellulite bumps by penetrating to the layers of tissue where that fat is located. Although anyone can develop cellulite (and most of us do), it can be more visible in some people than others depending on your age, genetics, and even how thick your skin is.

To get the contoured physique you want without surgery or downtime, visit a highly trained professional at Advanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery to explore the best options for you.

Book an appointment online or call 800.647.9851 to schedule a consultation with one of our cosmetic dermatology professionals who will help explore the best body contouring options for you.


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